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What is Neurolens & How Does it Work?


What is Neurolens & How Does it Work?

Suffering from daily headaches or computer vision syndrome can significantly affect your overall well-being and quality of life. Daily activities can become monumental tasks when suffering from the symptoms caused by these vision-related problems.

Eye misalignment may be the root of your discomfort, and Neurolens can help correct eye misalignment issues that cause headaches and computer vision syndrome.

If you are unsure about Neurolens or do not know the cause of your symptoms, book an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam at Shady Grove Eye Clinic; Our team of professionals will be able to help you discern what is causing your symptoms and get you the most effective treatment for your specific needs.

What is Eye Misalignment?

Each of our eyes collects information from our surroundings independently; the images captured by each of our eyes are slightly different and consolidated by our brain to form a single image. This process is continuous, and the line of communication between our eyes and brain will work as long as our eyes are open and collecting information. When someone’s eyes are perfectly aligned, this process of consolidation allows images to be clear, seamless, and free of any distortion.

Eye misalignment is when the process of creating the consolidated image in our brain is not seamless — rather, the misalignment of our eyes causes our brain to have to manually combine the slightly different images from both of our eyes. This causes stress on the trigeminal nerve and can lead to headaches, eye strain, and other visual problems.

Misalignment is usually more pronounced when focusing on an object or area that is in near range. With our current reliance on digital technology for work and entertainment, this close-range factor can cause significant discomfort for those with problems with eye misalignment who have to use digital screens in their daily lives.

Computer vision syndrome can be aggravated and influenced by the presence of eye misalignment.

How Does Neurolens Work?

The Neurolens Measurement Device

The Neurolens measurement device (nMD) measures eye alignment and calculates a patient’s AC/A (Accommodative Convergence to Accommodation ratio). The nMD does not rely on subjective responses, which helps eliminate biases and variabilities from both clinicians and patients during measurement recording. The nMD is able to take objective measurements by employing an eye-tracking system that focuses on the patients’ eyes while they are being dissociated and associated by the device.

The nMD employs an iterative procedure of misalignment measurements that will provide a patient with a final Neurolens prism correction value which will be used to create their specialized lenses. The nMD does this by:

  • Measuring the gap between where your eyes want to be and where they need to be.
  • Isolating peripheral and central vision so a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s eye alignment and synchronization can be recorded.
  • Getting patients to focus on a single point while a display of rotating planets and stars activates peripheral and central vision, accumulating in measurements of distance and near eye alignment.


What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are designed to help correct eye misalignment by incorporating technology called “contoured prism,” which places the proper corrective power on a lens where it is needed the most. Neurolenses are customizable and can work with any prescription; since they are a premium lens option, they come standard with high-quality materials and an anti-reflective coating.

The nMD will find the necessary Neurolens prism correction value that will be used to prescribe Neurolenses. Using a proprietary contour design, Neurolenses will seamlessly vary the prismatic correction needed by the eyes at different distances — this allows eye doctors to customize lens correction for different patients depending on their needs.

Neurolenses can lead to effective symptom relief of headaches and computer vision syndrome; 93% of patients who have worn Neurolenses have experienced symptom relief. A study from Neurolens shows that 81.6% of patients suffering from chronic daily headaches experienced substantial reductions in their symptoms after wearing Neurolenses for 90 days.

Neurolens also reported in a study that 100% of patients suffering symptoms of computer vision syndrome had a positive response to wearing Neurolenses. Most patients were able to greatly reduce or even eliminate the need to take supplementary pain-relieving medications to combat computer vision syndrome.

Am I a Candidate for Neurolens?

Shady Grove Eye Clinic can help you determine whether Neurolens is the right solution for your needs. A two-step process to make this determination:

  • Our eye doctors will evaluate the frequency and severity of your symptoms.
  • Our eye doctors will clinically measure the amount of eye misalignment using an nMD. This diagnostic test takes only a few minutes and will help our eye doctors create your unique Neurolenses.

To start, take the online Neurolens test. This will help our doctors determine the severity of your symptoms and decide if Neurolens is a potential solution for you.